Infictive - Recent changes [en]


Monday, October 03, 2005

okay, I'm a magic geek. I've been playing for a while. This is my most successful 5 color 62 Card deck.

(if I'm only playing one opponent I take out the howling mine & the prosperity)

4 Anarchist

3 Swamp

3 Mountain

Cinder Marsh

Vic Townships

3 Forest

3 Plains

2 Island

Minamo, School at Water's Edge

Grand Coliseum

2 Thalakos Lowlands

Treva's Ruins

One Dozen Eyes

Howling Mine

Legacy Weapon

Gilded Lotus



Bringer of the Green Dawn

Avatar of Might

Axelrod Gunnarson

Ryusei, the Falling Star

Vacvictis Asmadi


Arcades Sabboth

Nicol Bolas


Shifty Doppelganger

Living Death



Exotic Disease



Channel the Suns


Kitsune Healer

Catacomb Dragon

Greater Werewolf

Weathered Wayfarer


Tornod's Crypt

Fill with Fright

Volcanic Island

2 Rampant Growth

Soul Foundry

Book Burning

Disturbed Burial

For the real magic geeks out there, I have this green and blue deck affectionately named the R.A.W. (definately not Type 2- unglued & unhinged intermixed with some other favorites):

7 Forest

9 Island

Remote Isle


Rampant Growth

Fertile Ground

Land Aid '04

Old Fogey

Crash of Rhinos

Rib Cage Spider

Tidal Bore

Alexi's Cloak

2 Denied!


Number Crunch


2 Rackling

Thresher Beast

Feast of Worms

Sylvan Hierophant

Horned Troll

Zephyr Falcon

Storm Crow

Double Header

2 Flaccify

Name Dropping

Redwood Treefolk

4 Counterspell

2 Spell Counter

Chub Toad

2 Metallic Sliver


Gulf Squid

Monkey Monkey Monkey


Orochi Sustainer

Lone Wolf

Shadow Rift

Field of Reality

Wall of Wood

Elder Druid

Mnemonic Sliver

World Bottling Kit


Laughing Hyena


I can assure you, this deck will annoy the hell out of whoever you play. It makes them highly aware of the things they say out loud.

Then there's the Eris Mindfuck deck.

This deck is chaos, pure and simple. It's like a booby trap, and works best in multiplayer games, and also includes some very odd abilities using unglued and unhinged.

Fountain of Cho

3 Swamp

Ebon Stronghold

3 Island

Svyelunite Temple

Lonely Sandbar

4 Forest

3 Mountain

2 Plains

2 Counsel of the Soratami

2 Awol

Storm Cauldron

2 Zuran Orb

Charcoal Diamond

Fountain of Youth

Farsight Mask

Glasses of Urza

Phyrexian Splicer

Phyrexian Walker

Lantern of Insight

Conjurer's Bauble

Squee's Toy

Etched Oracle

Essence Bottle

2 Mind Stone

Welding Jar


Skyreach Manta


Feroz's Ban


Darksteel Pendant

Liar's Pendulum

Thran Forge

2 Lotus Petal

2 Touchstone

Living Artifact

Ashnod's Transmogrant

Summoner's Egg

Talisman of Unity

Sex Appeal


Stop That

Rolling Stones

Aether Barrier

Bottle Gnomes

Rock Lobster

Keeper of the Sacred Word

Kill! Destroy!

Artful Looter

Barrin's Codex

Sawtooth Thresher


Tobias Andrion

Rith's Charm


Wand of Denial

Mirror, Mirror

Tainted Monkey

Clockwork Vorrac


Bubble Matrix

Arcbound Hybrid

Wall of Spears

Suntouched Myr

I'm not serious enough to bother creating any tournament level decks. (I like friendly games, with lots of unintelligible strategy.)

I have some more traditional decks - an infinite goblin combo in green and red, the predictable direct damage deck, the banding, and the spirit deck come to mind... but these are my top three favorites for down and dirty M:TG.

If that's not proof I'm a geek, I don't know what is...