Hello, all you wonderful people. Ready to save the world?
Here's the latest radio show and picture slideshows. I recently wrote an article for Dunvalo Melchizedek's website about the Mayan adventure. It's here:
I spoke with Henrik on Red-Ice Creations about the Mayan trip and much more.
Here are the pics of the Mayan trip
I've made a few posters to commemorate the Winter Solstice event to try and get the Kakulhaa some money. There here:
I am now working on a coffee table conspiracy book to generate topics around the table. I have made some of art into prints and I'm selling them here:
Here's all my art and pictures
I have been on sabbatical; finding my way. I will be returning to Radio Freeman on Revere Radio Network. I really want to get this latest film made so, all my efforts are going into that. Your messages are dear to me. It's amazing to me that I'm called to do this and you are responding. I'll be back out of my shell soon!